If I remember the article, the Acclaim is basically the Ovation 3. Granted, I was bouncing between reading that article and finishing my OSSAA football Ref test on a SWA flight (yes, I actually flew SWA, not by choice), so I may not remember 100%.
Ovation 2’s are known to get fairly close to the Vmarketing speed of 190 knots (within 2 knots).
Many Ovation owners get nearly 180 knots LOP, at about 12 GPH if they have the new Hartzell. That is really nice, and the CHT’s are really low at this setting as well. Speed - Efficiency - Comfort - Low Maintenance.
The O3 has been upped to 310 hp from 280 by changing the prop governor under an STC. This allows higher RPM’s than the older Mooney’s. I think that 195 is doable here, but I doubt many people will choose those settings unless they are REALLY in a hurry. The extra fuel for those last 10 to 15 knots is not a good trade, and I think it’s unneccessarily hard on the equipment. I would say that most owners will slow down once they reach altitude.
The Acclaim is not the same. The Acclaim takes the O2 and adds twin turbo’s and winglets ( I do not believe the O3 gets the winglets ). The Acclaim really should get a weight upgrade IMO, but I haven’t heard Mooney will do that.