Thought I’d post a new thread for this, since the System Monitoring one is getting long. One more metric I was interested in monitoring was the amount of traffic specifically going to FlightAware. I noticed that as my site started receiving a lot more traffic based on the antenna/amp/location changes I made, total transmit bandwidth was adding up to about 8+ GB per day - of course the vast majority of that is internal to my network, to my VRS server, etc. However, I wanted the data, so I created some iptables firewall rules, then used collectd’s iptables plugin to monitor traffic hitting those rules. I thought I’d post this, in case anyone is interested.
The first thing you need to do is create the iptables rules. All the connections I’ve seen my Pi make are to the subnet, but perhaps FA staff can comment if there are others, or you can check it on your own Pi by doing a ‘sudo netstat -n |grep 1200’ then modifying the rules below. These should catch both the regular ADS-B traffic and the fa-mlat-client traffic.
sudo iptables -N flightaware
sudo iptables -A OUTPUT -d -j flightaware -m comment --comment "fa-ip-range-out"
sudo iptables -A INPUT -s -j flightaware -m comment --comment "fa-ip-range-in"
Then save them using iptables-save:
sudo iptables-save > /etc/firewall.conf
Create the file /etc/network/if-pre-up.d/iptables containing the following:
/sbin/iptables-restore < /etc/firewall.conf
Make it executable with sudo chmod +x /etc/network/if-pre-up.d/iptables. These last few steps will ensure the rules survive a reboot.
Configure collectd.conf to read these rules:
LoadPlugin "iptables"
<Plugin "iptables">
Chain "filter" "OUTPUT" "fa-ip-range-out"
Chain "filter" "INPUT" "fa-ip-range-in"
Restart collectd, and you should have two new folders of rrd files in /usr/lib/collectd/rrd/…
Finally, here is the graphing function:
net_fa_graph() {
rrdtool graph \
"$1" \
--start end-$4 \
--width 480 \
--height 200 \
--step "$5" \
--title "FlightAware Bandwidth Usage" \
--vertical-label "bytes/sec" \
"TEXTALIGN:center" \
"DEF:rx=$2/iptables-filter-INPUT/ipt_bytes-fa-ip-range-in.rrd:value:AVERAGE" \
"DEF:tx=$2/iptables-filter-OUTPUT/ipt_bytes-fa-ip-range-out.rrd:value:AVERAGE" \
"CDEF:tx_neg=tx,-1,*" \
"AREA:rx#32CD32:Incoming" \
"LINE1:rx#336600" \
"GPRINT:rx:MAX:Max\: %4.1lf %sB/sec" \
"GPRINT:rx:AVERAGE:Avg\: %4.1lf %SB/sec" \
"GPRINT:rx:LAST:Current\: %4.1lf %SB/sec\c" \
"AREA:tx_neg#4169E1:Outgoing" \
"LINE1:tx_neg#0033CC" \
"GPRINT:tx:MAX:Max\: %4.1lf %sB/sec" \
"GPRINT:tx:AVERAGE:Avg\: %4.1lf %SB/sec" \
"GPRINT:tx:LAST:Current\: %4.1lf %SB/sec\c" \
"HRULE:0#000000" \
--watermark "Drawn: $nowlit";
# This goes in the common_graphs() function - adjust the paths accordingly:
net_fa_graph /srv/www/htdocs/collectd/$2-netfa-$4.png /var/lib/collectd/rrd/$1 "$3" "$4" "$5"