Monitoring network traffic to FlightAware

Thought I’d post a new thread for this, since the System Monitoring one is getting long. One more metric I was interested in monitoring was the amount of traffic specifically going to FlightAware. I noticed that as my site started receiving a lot more traffic based on the antenna/amp/location changes I made, total transmit bandwidth was adding up to about 8+ GB per day - of course the vast majority of that is internal to my network, to my VRS server, etc. However, I wanted the data, so I created some iptables firewall rules, then used collectd’s iptables plugin to monitor traffic hitting those rules. I thought I’d post this, in case anyone is interested.

The first thing you need to do is create the iptables rules. All the connections I’ve seen my Pi make are to the subnet, but perhaps FA staff can comment if there are others, or you can check it on your own Pi by doing a ‘sudo netstat -n |grep 1200’ then modifying the rules below. These should catch both the regular ADS-B traffic and the fa-mlat-client traffic.

sudo iptables -N flightaware
sudo iptables -A OUTPUT -d -j flightaware -m comment --comment "fa-ip-range-out"
sudo iptables -A INPUT -s -j flightaware -m comment --comment "fa-ip-range-in"

Then save them using iptables-save:

sudo iptables-save > /etc/firewall.conf

Create the file /etc/network/if-pre-up.d/iptables containing the following:

/sbin/iptables-restore < /etc/firewall.conf

Make it executable with sudo chmod +x /etc/network/if-pre-up.d/iptables. These last few steps will ensure the rules survive a reboot.

Configure collectd.conf to read these rules:

LoadPlugin "iptables"

<Plugin "iptables">
  Chain "filter" "OUTPUT" "fa-ip-range-out"
  Chain "filter" "INPUT" "fa-ip-range-in"

Restart collectd, and you should have two new folders of rrd files in /usr/lib/collectd/rrd/…

Finally, here is the graphing function:

net_fa_graph() {
  rrdtool graph \
  "$1" \
  --start end-$4 \
  --width 480 \
  --height 200 \
  --step "$5" \
  --title "FlightAware Bandwidth Usage" \
  --vertical-label "bytes/sec" \
  "TEXTALIGN:center" \
  "DEF:rx=$2/iptables-filter-INPUT/ipt_bytes-fa-ip-range-in.rrd:value:AVERAGE" \
  "DEF:tx=$2/iptables-filter-OUTPUT/ipt_bytes-fa-ip-range-out.rrd:value:AVERAGE" \
  "CDEF:tx_neg=tx,-1,*" \
  "AREA:rx#32CD32:Incoming" \
  "LINE1:rx#336600" \
  "GPRINT:rx:MAX:Max\: %4.1lf %sB/sec" \
  "GPRINT:rx:AVERAGE:Avg\: %4.1lf %SB/sec" \
  "GPRINT:rx:LAST:Current\: %4.1lf %SB/sec\c" \
  "AREA:tx_neg#4169E1:Outgoing" \
  "LINE1:tx_neg#0033CC" \
  "GPRINT:tx:MAX:Max\: %4.1lf %sB/sec" \
  "GPRINT:tx:AVERAGE:Avg\: %4.1lf %SB/sec" \
  "GPRINT:tx:LAST:Current\: %4.1lf %SB/sec\c" \
  "HRULE:0#000000" \
  --watermark "Drawn: $nowlit";

# This goes in the common_graphs() function - adjust the paths accordingly:
net_fa_graph /srv/www/htdocs/collectd/$2-netfa-$4.png /var/lib/collectd/rrd/$1 "$3" "$4" "$5"

And more specifically for piaware / mlat traffic, it currently all goes to (round robin,

FWIW the bandwidth you’re seeing there is quite a lot higher than I expected, even if you have mlat on. Maybe you’re measuring bits, not bytes?

I’m pretty sure it is correct, since iptables metrics are all in bytes. I have looked at the raw iptables data, and it is around 12-14KB/s. My site is busier than most, but I’d welcome you sanity checking it from the other side!


FWIW here’s an hour of traffic on my test receiver (

06/20/2015 12:34:09 mlat(3170): Server:      0.0 kB/s from server    0.0kB/s TCP to server   4.1kB/s UDP to server
06/20/2015 12:34:09 mlat(3170): Aircraft: 118 known, 89 requested by server
06/20/2015 12:34:34 25873 msgs recv'd from dump1090-muta (2162 in last 5m); 25819 msgs sent to FlightAware

Chain OUTPUT (policy ACCEPT 333423 packets, 291374460 bytes)
    pkts      bytes target     prot opt in     out     source               destination         
       0        0 flightaware  udp  --  *      *            /* fa-mlat-out */
       0        0 flightaware  tcp  --  *      *            tcp dpt:1200 /* fa-piaware-out */
   13215 15266888 flightaware  udp  --  *      *            /* fa-mlat-out */
    7540  2261022 flightaware  tcp  --  *      *            tcp dpt:1200 /* fa-piaware-out */
   20755 17527910 flightaware  all  --  *      *           /* fa-ip-range-out */

which is around 4.9kB/s total: 4.2kB/s for mlat, 0.6kB/s for piaware position data.

Are you running mlat? If so it might be interesting to see a TCP vs UDP breakdown on your system & the stats logged by the mlat client. If you’re not running mlat I can’t see how you’d hit 15kB/s…

I am running mlat, and that accounts for most of the traffic, it seems:

06/20/2015 13:50:04 2104193 msgs recv'd from dump1090-mutab (2120 in last 5m); 2104182 msgs sent to FlightAware
06/20/2015 13:51:30 mlat: Receiver connection: ready
06/20/2015 13:51:30 mlat: Server connection:   ready
06/20/2015 13:51:30 mlat: Receiver: 1084.2 msg/s received     18.0kB/s from receiver
06/20/2015 13:51:30 mlat: Server:      0.0 kB/s from server    0.0kB/s TCP to server  11.2kB/s UDP to server
06/20/2015 13:51:30 mlat: Aircraft: 170 known, 133 requested by server

I think I’ll re-do the iptables rules so TCP and UDP are charted separately to give a breakdown of piaware vs. mlat.

Interesting, thanks! I’d speculate that this is a US vs. Europe thing, a higher proportion of aircraft will be Mode S only in the US so you end up forwarding more traffic. My receiver (in Cambridge, UK) sees a similar message rate as yours but only sends 1/3 - 1/2 of the mlat traffic.

That is interesting…it will be cool to watch over the next few years, as the proportion of Mode S only should gradually decrease, in theory.



On your stats, what improvements did you add on 8 June to increase your positions and aircraft counts? I am guessing at least an amp? I just added an amp and it is helping my counts. We are not far from each other in the target rich environment of KORD.


Hi Marty - that is when I moved the antenna from a 2nd story window up to the attic, so probably 10-12 feet higher. I have had the HAB amp/filter on since almost the beginning. Target rich is right!


One of my RPi has its antenna in a second floor window and the other RPi has its antenna in the attic. That 10-15 feet of extra height does help.
