I currently have one ADS-B receiver setup using a raspberry pi and PIAware. I’ve been trying to read up about MLAT and how it works with PiAware.
So, If I were to install 3 more ads-b across my area MLAT then would be enabled and this would improve the accuracy and reporting of all 4 receivers.
That then means 3 more raspberry pi’s all with their own unique setup and webservice being broadcasted.
Does this mean each raspberry pi’s webservice will display a corrected map for all flights in my area?
I’m currently making use of the data stream from my single localhost:8080/data/aircraft.json
Does that mean all raspberry pi’s will not broadcast an updated values with MLAT taken in account? If not is there a similar stream that is available?
Or is this something only flight aware will benefit from and my 4 raspberry pi’s will only display what they each individually see? Further, does MLAT work with other peoples devices in my area? Or just ones registered with my account.