Minutes Out Alert not working


When I set the alerts through my application, they get set correctly, and I also see them in the flightaware login for me, which is all very good.

I also see that the advanced options get set, and it shows a 45 minutes out checkbox.

The problem is I never receive the minutes out alert, I Receive all alerts which are arrival/departure/cancelled/changed/ diverted etc but I dont receive any MINUTES OUT alert. Can you tell me why it does not get triggered?

Yes you can see the 45 minutes out checkbox but it’s faded and it was never actually set up.
Those minutes can be set/changed on the webpage, but if you set the alerts through flightxml the minutes out will not be set unless you specifically request minutes out with a value.
We will investigate this and I will let you know if you will be able to set these minutes through FlightXML


Please let me know if I can still set the minutes out alert through the flightxml. That would really be helpful


Hi again,

In order to set minutes out through FlightXML, you should add a {minutes_out NumberYouWant} to the channels for the call like so:

channels={minutes_out 30} {16 e_filed e_departure e_arrival e_diverted e_cancelled} in order to get alert 30 minutes before arrival.

Hope this works for you.