Location: VHHH
Day of month: 25
Time: 07:00 UTC
Wind: True direction = 230 degrees, Speed: 27 knots
Visibility: 4100 m
Weather: Showers of Rain
Clouds: A few , at 800 feet above aerodrome level
Clouds: Scattered , at 2000 feet above aerodrome level
Clouds: Broken sky , at 5000 feet above aerodrome level
Temperature: 26 degrees Celsius
Dewpoint: 24 degrees Celsius
QNH (Sea-level pressure): 999 hPa
Since the previous observation (but not at present), the following
meteorological phenomena were observed: Rain
There is wind-shear in runway 25 Right
The following weather phenomena are expected to arise temporarily:
Wind: True direction = 230 degrees, Speed: 30 knots, with Gusts of maximum speed 40 knots
Visibility: 2000 m
Weather: Strong Showers of Rain
Clouds: A few , at 800 feet above aerodrome level, cumulonimbus
Clouds: Scattered , at 1200 feet above aerodrome level
Clouds: Broken sky , at 4000 feet above aerodrome level
RERA= Recent Rain…Since the previous observation (but not at present), the following meteorological phenomena were observed.
Your welcome…I just pasted/posted the whole decode for other readers that may not entirely understand metars, as the international stuff can be a little different.