I thought it would be a good idea to make a Master Sport thread.
Because there are So many other Sports Threads.
These are the ones.
Aircraft type for Kyle Busch
A-Rod’s Gulfstream
A’s to CYYZ?
Baseball Charters
Chicago Cubs
College Football Charters 2007
College Football Charters for week 3
College football Fans
Colorado Rockies
DAB Interesting - The NASCAR Boys Are Arriving!
Here’s the Braves charter for Wednesday
Hockey Fans
Hockey Tail Numbers
Huskers Football Coach Search
INDY Car Drivers IRL
JR’s on is way to Dover
Mariners Players Private/Charter Jets
Miami Air & Arkansas football team
Miami Hurricanes Baseball Team Charter
MLB Planes
MLB/NFL/NBA Charter Planes
Montreal Canadiens
NASCAR Air fleet headed to KONT
Nascar Airplanes
Nascar Changing Tail Numbers
Nascar Driver Carl Edwards
NASCAR in Las Vegas
NASCAR Planes from DAB
NY Giants Playoff Charter
Official Euro 2008 Flights
Packers Flight?
Patriots Flight Home
Philly Eagles Multiple Charters
Possible Oakland A’s charter
Seattle Mariners Charter
Sports Charters
Sports Team Charters
Sports Team Themed Airplanes
So this thread is for all sports aviation related things.
With the All Star Game coming up, I was wondering how the All Stars would be getting to their destinations, since the teams are in different cities.
Would they take private aircraft,charter their own aircraft,have the team plane take them,or fly comercially?
Keep in mind that the SWQ flights aren’t really dedicated to one specific team. The teams flying with them will have varying flight numbers 737, 801 and 802. And 802 actually appears to be dedicated now to McCain’s campaign, so likely no teams will be flying it anytime soon.
Here’s a before & after pic of SWQ802…Thanks to Tangojul for the find! N802TJ/SWQ802
There are a few errors in this list. But this has already been discussed in th NASCAR AIRPLANES thread. N355PM is GONE, replaced by 573CM, N71761 is N6JR, N610RP is repeated already as N119ES, etc… ANyways why have a master sports thread. It seems easier to have a thread for each sport. As if someone does not care for Baseball ball charters but likes Football they can go that thread and look.
Also one other question, according to this list Tiger Woods has a Diamond Aircraft that is registered to Thomas Murray, and a King Air that is registered to Eagle Supprt group. Maybe this is correct , I do not follow golf aircraft that much. But I seem to see alot of post on him using Gulfstreams from QS.
And when the heck did Travolta and Rush become apart of a Sports team to be included in a Master Sports Thread?
Anyways unless otherwise objected to I am going to keep posting to Nascar Airplanes if that is alright.
I was doing the trip kit for our upcoming trip to the US a few days ago and noticed that the guy who makes up intersection names must be a Yankee’s fan. Two that I saw around the Boston area: (sorry if I can’t remember the exact spelling) SUBZZ and JITER. Is that a dig or what…
Why does every MLB Charter plane take the teams where they need to go. Then go to another airport. For example:
Boston Red Sox:JFK-BOS then BOS to ATL
Seattle Mariners:OAK-MCI then MCI-DFW
An aircraft sitting on the ground is nothing but a big paperweight. It needs to get back in the air with paying passengers and/or freight as soon as possible.
The team could probably demand that the aircraft stay at the airport until they needed to use it again but then they would be charged for that.
This aircraft is shared with the NHL Dallas Stars. In fact, when the seasons overlap, the Rangers have to use the old 727 (N698SS) and the Stars get to ride the 757.