Block Island State airport - KBID shows up as not being recognized. The parameters are:
1 NM W of Block Island RI, USA
N 41 10.1’ W 71 34.7’ Magnetic Variation: 15.2W
Elevation: 108’
New York Sectional
Public, IFR, Landing Fee, Rotating Beacon, Customs Info Unavailable
Not that I’m aware of. I tried typing in Block Island after clicking on the “Don’t know the code” link and it could not be found. I don’t know if you can get to this link unless you’re a member of AOPA. … tifier=BID
Knowing that area as well as I do, I’ve always appreciated the official description of the airport as being “1 mile W of BLOCK ISLAND, RI”, which of course puts it out in the ocean!