I was wondering if anyone knows what is planned for Jax? We just lost our lax route and only have jax-den as our longest route. With the expansion of our airport, I thought that maybe other airlines will be adding new service. Also what about international service? Any information will be appreciated. Thanks
Unfortunately, the expansion of an airport doesn’t necessarily mean that there will be additional services.
I didn’t know JAX had a transcontinental route. Who operated the service to LAX?
The Jax-Lax service was operated by delta with a 737-800. It lasted a year, december 1st though when they said they were going to cancel the service, they still operated the flights until the end of this month. Also out jax-ord route had A319’s on it and will be replace with 737-300’s and -500’s, is that good or bad?
The 737-300 is about the same size as the A319. It just means United is reshuffling its aircraft based on seasonal fluctuations in demand. They like using the 737-300 and -500 because they can be substituted for each other based on bookings for that day. The A319 can only be substituted for the A320, which is substantially bigger.
One thing that I think you might eventually see is US Airways service to LAS or PHX.
That makes since about united on the 737’s, and im hoping that Us airways put service to las and phx from JAX. I wonder if at all possible for alaska to start maybe a once daily service to SEA or is that reaching to far?
SEA service would require Alaska opening a station at JAX which is fairly expensive (even if you outsource your staffing).
Additionally, their only aircraft with that sort of range, the 737-900 is pretty big and I don’t think they could fill it on that sort of route.
US Airways already has a reasonably large station at JAX so all it would take from them is to find a time that one of their gates is empty, finding the hours in the A319s, and putting it in the schedule.
is there any shot of getting international services? Maybe to to Nassua or cancun, or maybe even Europe…
Alaska operates the -700, -800, and -900 737’s. All three have the range for SEA/JAX (2,443 miles).
In fact, the 737-900, according to the Alaska Airlines web page, has the shortest range of the three aircraft (3,159 miles).
Orlando has Disney World and other entertainment centers. Miami is a gateway to the Caribbean and South America. What does Jacksonville have to attract Europeans? Theoretically, airlines are in the business to make money. If there’s a possibility of making a profit on a route between JAX and Europe then an airline will do it.
Nassau is a possibility since it can be served with a prop or an RJ so the investment would be low. But I can’t see an airline where that flight really fits into their system. Maybe expressjet’s own-code flights if they start flying to Nassau.
I don’t see a flight to Europe either.
I know that Jax is not as popular as orlando or miami, but it is a very big buisness city. I had heard a rumor that British Airways was thinking about starting service but when 9/11 happened it did not go anywhere. Maybe a saturday only service would be good.
Business market and Saturday-only service do not go hand in hand.
I know I just meant that if our big buisness aspect does not attract someone than we could get a saturday only service.
I don know much but how about a jax to sju flight ,since san juan is already have flights to miami ,orlando and tampa , why not add jax on to the list
Um… What?
I think that Jax should be added on that list, and on JIA.AERO it is listed as on of three cities it is really trying to get, as well as KPHX and KDEN.
If someone was to add it, I would think either American or Jetblue, though I am not sure if American would.
I think spirit airways would be a good candidate plus there is delta airlines that has a strong presence in puerto rico …
I suppose Delta could, but Spirit does not serve KJAX so they would have to open up a station here, which I would not think would happen unitl the new terminals opens since we are really pressed for space rght now.
Becasue MIA, MCO, TPA, and FLL already have service to SJU.
Becasue MIA, MCO, TPA, and FLL already have service to SJU
None of which are anywhere near KJAX…whats your point?
How do y’all get those pretty little white quote boxes???