Incorrect flight rule being displayed on KJAN weather page.

“Time sensitive” so I extracted from

25-Mar 11:47AM LIFR Calm Overcast 2000 2 13 55 13 55 100%
25-Mar 11:20AM LIFR 300 3kts Overcast 6000 1 14 57 13 55 93%
25-Mar 11:13AM LIFR 270 4kts Overcast 6000 1 14 57 13 55 93%

LIFR are conditions less then 1 mile and 500 ceilings

All of the above are IFR conditions.

Thinking it may be a “rounding up situation” (I.E 0.75 mile viz), I checked the actual metars and none of the observations reflected less then 1 mile visibility.

It also shows IFR when it’s VFR.

It sure does.

25-Mar 01:37PM IFR 250 5kts Overcast 7000 10 15

Sure glad I got my IA rating or I would never be flying with the above criteria :stuck_out_tongue: