Improving signal noise

@tomvdhorst thanks for sharing. Especially interested in this one.

COL1090/7.5P replaced by COL1090/9-PSE

Keep following the stats in the upcoming days.

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@butterfly2 I also have the COL1090/9-P you were looking into last year.
It can be seen here, already running over a year now.

@tomvdhorst then I need a bit extra clarification. You mentioned you was on the roof replacing a 7.5P for a 9-PSE? That’s the same plan I have, some day. I’m interested in the improvements you noticed after the upgrade.

From how i read your post I should visit this link: tomvdhorst ADS-B Feeder Statistics - FlightAware

Do I understand you well?


I have a COL1090/9-P and the new COL1090/9-PSE
The COL1090/9-PSE is the improved version of the COL1090/9-P antenna.
They are not on the roof but on the 3rd floor of a 9 story appartement building.

I bought the COL1090/9-P last year and this is the FA stats page of that antenna

The new COL1090/9-PSE that replaced the COL1090/7.5-P is located here

The antennas are located on 2 different sides of the building I live in. I’m living on the 3rd floor of a 9 story appartement building. In order to get a 360 degrees view around it I have to work with multiple sites to get around the corners and bend in the building.

Early indications on your data appear to be showing a possible positions increase trending on the new 9-PSE. Hope that is the case.

I’ll be able to tell more after tomorrow, I have to compare last Friday with Monday since weekends are not that comparable in terms of traffic.
Then I’ll make an update with some graphs1090 screenshots.

True enough on the weekend traffic. Even with the weekend potential falloff, there seems to be a positive trend. I will remain positive until proven otherwise.

FYI. I replaced my RPi zero with a new RPi 4 8gig on Friday night and I am looking for any system performance changes because I was intermittently getting FA warnings about 90% plus warnings on the cpu usage with the RPi zero unit. Finding joy with the 4’s onboard ethernet and USB connections.

Sure, so am I, I see positive indications as well but I want to compare to a normal traffic day. In the weekend I have more GA in the area and today was a perfect day for flying.

That will be an improvement in regard to the Pi Zero. I’m not overly happy with the wireless performance of Pi’s in general, only when fitted with an external Wi-Fi adapter. The Wi-Fi module inside the Pi itself lacks power compared to the external adapter.

I’ve set-up station number 13 :sunglasses: based on a thin client (HP TC620) with a Radarbox dongle and generic antenna yesterday.
This station is the first Flightaware station in my home fitted with an external Wi-Fi adapter and is connecting wireless to the network.
So far it has run as expected but the power of the Thin Client is more powerful then the Pi. Thin clients can be bought here for 30 euro’s, way cheaper then the Pi4 8GB.
My TC’s have 8 GB RAM as well and are fitted with a 32 GB SSD

The thin client sounds like an interesting adventure. Working outside the box can be where the fun is at.

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Yep, installed a different Linux flavor on it (Dietpi) and a package installation of dump1090-fa, piaware-web, piaware and graphs1090.
There’s a nice thread on the forums, alternatives for raspberry pi, that has some great information on that subject

I’ve been using Dell Optiplex with a Docker install. i5, 10500T, 16GB Ram, 256GB SSD.

Have you got a skyaware page live we can view or screen shot the the 9 PSE.

I am gutted mine doesn’t work

Tom provided a link to his new 9-PSE antenna 8 or 9 posts above yours. You will see the big Blue FA banners and the 9-PSE is the bottom link I believe.

I saw he posted FA Sats page. I want to his Skyaware live directly.

Accept you’ve got a Friday afternoon piece of scrap, use your refund to buy an 8P.

I can be bothered if I am honest. I wanted the 9. I wanted the extra. They didn’t refund the shipping only the antenna.

Cables turn out to be of no use as well. I’ve made them aware.

Unfortunately I don’t have a public viewable Skyaware Anywhere page available. I’m going to post some stats later tonight from graphs1090 and will try to make a screenshot of Skyaware Anywhere as well. Do you have something you want to see specifically?

Here’s the screenshot, I masked the white connection joint with black tape to have it in 1 color when viewed from outside.

Alright as promised some more background and details.
Antenna went operational at 18/08 21:00 UTC+1 so Friday is the first full day of operation.

Number of messages is up

More aircraft per 24 hrs
Aircraft count

Range has improved

Maxima are higher

Message rate per aircraft is better
Message rate  aircraft

And finally a screenshot of my Skyaware Anywhere ( not really comparable since I have multiple sites.

So to be a little more accurate a screenshot of the local skyaware page for just this antenna at 22:30 (UTC+1 Timezone)

All in all this is a nice improvement, later this week I’ll be able to calculate percentages for the antenna in comparison with the 7.5P antenna.

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