Improving signal noise

Excellent for a simple antenna swap for sure. The improvements are very pronounced and repeated day to day. It’s a feel good thing. The 8-P did similar things for me per my observation. It’s amazing how well it does it that sheltered balcony location.

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How’s it all looking?

So do you have your fire suit packed for the Greece trip? Is that still on or are the very recent fires putting you off the scent and looking for alternatives?

No fire suit required, the island I’m going to has been spared from the fires.
Forrest fires are a common occurence in Greece every year so not that much to worry about.
So all is going to plan, departure in 10 days :wink:

I just had a look at tomvdhorst site with the new 9 PSE and compared it to my 5DB from Low Flying Wales. I am using a Airspy Mini and RTL ADSB LNA. I am 16m ASL antenna height, 5m cable, LNA is on the back of the Airspy Mini not at the antenna.


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That’s a nice comparison Pete. :wink:
You seem to have more MLAT traffic then I do but I have more ADS-B traffic. I’m living in one of the approaches of EHAM and inside the EHAM CTR zone so less GA traffic is allowed in there.

My antenna is at 12 m ASL, 5m cable as well (CELF200) and no LNA.
Equipment used is a FA Prostick plus and an external FA barrel filter.

One could say that it doesn’t really need one as it has its own built in amplifier :wink:


I just use a prostick but my antenna isn’t tall enough.

Trees, y’know?

my adsb data @victorbravo77


btw, perf = graphs1080

I think range and signal level matter. Call me old-fashioned.

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After all this my post must be 20 characters.


Reach out …!




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Finally pulled the trigger on the graphs 1090 install script this afternoon at 2:12pm. Will try to view graphs here in a bit. Install note says there is a normal 10 min wait time before following up.


FYI. My wife showed me a picture of a new Junkers Aircraft “A50 Junior” 1323lb S-LSA. It’s appears to be quite the slick retro 1930’s creation. Have you seen it?

Yep it looks nice, the open cockpit might be a bit chilly in the winter :sunglasses:

Truly a fair weather ride! Strictly a big boy toy.

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Are you happy with Graphs1090 ? I find it very useful in understanding the performance of the antenna and the response to tweaks.
Did you make some longer term screenshots to see the improvement with the 8P antenna ?

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Yes, I’m enjoying the Graphs 1090. I wish I would have installed it when I was running the FA 1090 antenna. I installed it only 3 days ago so best I can tell I don’t have any historical data that would take me back. Is there a way for the Graphs program to access any historical data? Sure would be nice to timeline some of the changes I have made since the original install back in March.

No that isn’t possible, It starts collecting when installed and it can’t go back in time.
Same if you disrupt the power to the pi, it wil loose the data of that day, that is saved once per 24 hrs at 23:45 in your timezone.
Collection is depending on the package collectd that is installed with Graphs1090

From Wiedehopfs graphs page on Githuip:
To reduce writes to the sd-card, data is only written to the sd-card every 24h. Note on data loss: When removing or losing power you will lose graph data generated after 23:42 of the previous day. To avoid that issue **sudo shutdown now** before unplugging the pi

ah 3 minutes off then :wink:

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