Improving signal noise

Check your results over 24 hrs, then you can see if it improves across the board…

I’m ordering the new CC1090/9P PSE antenna on Tuesday and will swap it with a 7.5 dB one when it arrives. The 7.5 will serve as an indoor antenna. I still have 2 stock antennas on 2 test systems that will be upgraded in the upcoming month.

Good for you on the new PSE variant antenna. As you know, that was my first choice but the length of it made it problematic from a shipping perspective to the US. I will be anxious to hear how all that goes for you. 9 dbd/11 dbi should be a step forward I expect.

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So, did your order go through? Did they have the PSE antenna in stock?

I tried this morning but it was listed as sold out at that moment. So I’ve sent them a order by email for the antenna, another antenna and 2 cables.
They haven’t responded yet, the PSE is orderable via the e-shop now so I hope to get a response today or tomorrow to let me know if they accepted the order via email.
The 2nd antenna I want is listed as sold out as well but hopefully they are able to deliver that one :wink:

Living out there on the edge! Do they sell N/SMA terminated cables in LMR400?

I have pre-made LMR400 cables terminating in N and SMA connectors.

Thanks Jon. Do you have them available in 10m and 15m lengths? What costs are associated with the cables? Please and thank you.

No they have H155 Belden cables.
Comparable with LMR 240 cabling, my cable length is under 10 ft so it would not make sense to use LMR400. I have one longer cable (15ft) which is LMR400.
When I need then I can order them locally in the Netherlands with next day delivery and with connectors fitted to them (soldered connectors).

Thanks Tom. Living in the Promised Land of cables! Soldered is the flavor of choice for me.

Sorry, I have them, but I do not sell them.

Awh gee whiz. I thought you had baited the hook for me, so I took a bite. Thanks for the tease anyway!

Just got a response back from Stanislav, my order is accepted and will be shipped next week due to the fact that the second antenna I want (COL1090/5-P) to have has to be produced in the upcoming week.
After that the total lot (2x antenna, 2x cable) will be shipped.
The CC1090/9-PSE is in high demand so he set one aside for me so. Apparently they sell out pretty quick on that model no matter how much they produce :wink:

Looking at your stats there is a nice improvement on the reception with this new antenna, you seem to get a lot more positions now, 1.2 up to 1.4 million yesterday is quite impressive on position numbers.
Aicraft numbers are slightly higher but the position number is certainly pretty good.

I made the same change back in April - there was a noticeable improvement which you can see in the following charts covering the last six months. There may have been a slight improvement in Peak Range, but that isn’t obvious in the charts (so not included). What I have noticed is that I am picking up light aircraft closer to the ground than previously. I can now see aircraft in the circuit (1000 feet) of the main training airfield near me which is 40 nautical miles away.

I run auto gain on my Airspy Mini and the last chart shows that the average gain was reduced when the new antenna was put up.

Nice to hear that Stanislav has you near the front of the queue. Appreciate you having a look at the stats. Anxious to hear how this PSE will perform.

Thanks for the graphics. Your levels have truly moved up and all of the signal traces have been “cleaned” up to a fair degree.

Exactly 1 week on the new antenna this morning. Positions are significantly / consistently up and the aircraft numbers are up slightly too. Also noticed a fair jump in MLAT receivers day to day. I had planned a location change for this morning but I will hold off on that for the short term. How’s the view from the 3rd floor?

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No activity here today, we had a constant rain today, even some local flooding so no joy on playing with antennas. By the end of the week my toys will be shipped and then when I have them the fun can start. Weather should be better by then

Stay safe. Good day to dust your ethernet switches! Rain, thunder and close lightning here. Dang it. Unplugging the expensive electronics.

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I hope you got out of it without damage, I have surge arrestors placed in the setups and the chances of getting hit on the 3rd floor are also slim. Lots of work to do in the house, last week we recieved a new kitchen, and renewed all equipment ( that needed rewiring inside the house) so the chief of the household was happy with all the work done, we still have a few more of those weekends coming before we go on holiday to Greece for a week :sunglasses:

Survived yet another violent electric storm. I have surge protection every where you turn here. Even the main house entrance meter has a surge protection device added on by the provider. Sounds like you and the chief are plenty busy there and will be ready for the holiday in Greece. Hope the nearby fires are fully under control by the time you arrive there. The Canadians have been giving us fits with forest fire smoke here in the states for some months now.

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