I just joined today and I have some questions. I’ve spent 20 to 30 minutes searching various parts of this site and I can’t find the answers.
1 - How do I post photos?
2 - Where can I view all the photos on this site?
3 - How do I create an avatar?
Posting photos. You can only post photos that are stored someplace on the Internet. The photos can be on Flickr, your personal website, etc. The url for the photo must end in JPG or BMP.
Once you have the url of the photo you can post it here by using the IMG tag. Here’s an example of using the IMG tag:
This is the picture itself:
If your picture is too wide then people will have to scroll the right to see postings so please try to post pictures that are not very large (i.e. keep it to 640 in width and everyone will be happy:) )
Click on photos on the upper left hand side of any screen to access the photos. If you are asking how you can access all photos in the forum then the answer is: go through each forum one by one.
Click on the profile link at the top of each forum page to add an avatar. It can be no larger than 80x80 pixels and 16 kb.
This is a quote straight from the Discussions FAQ (link at top of this page):
Can I post Images?
Images can indeed be shown in your posts. However, there is no facility at present for uploading images directly to this board. Therefore you must link to an image stored on a publicly accessible web server, e.g. some-unknown-place.net/my-picture.gif. You cannot link to pictures stored on your own PC (unless it is a publicly accessible server) nor to images stored behind authentication mechanisms such as Hotmail or Yahoo mailboxes, password-protected sites, etc. To display the image use either the BBCode tag or appropriate HTML (if allowed).
Posting photos. You can only post photos that are stored someplace on the Internet. The photos can be on Flickr, your personal website, etc. The url for the photo must end in JPG or BMP.
Well, that answers that question and settles my decision to not bother using these riduculous forums. I’ll just use the marvelous flight tracking features of this site.
Follow the directions. Enter the URL, highlight the entire URL, and then click ont he Img button above (or type in at%20the%20start%20of%20the%20URL%20and at the end of the URL and everything will be fine and dandy.
Don’t forget that for each open quote tag you need a closing quote tag.
Unwritten rules are just as valid as written rules. And if you don’t like threads hijacked then this ain’t the place for you.
Unwritten rules are just as valid as written rules. And if you don’t like threads hijacked then this ain’t the place for you.
In other words, lighten up, dude!
You’ve got it duuuude. This ain’t the place for me. I’ll just keep using the dozens of normal sites I use daily.
Deep breath…understand where my joke came from. You said you’ve read the forums before?! Then you’d see and know a LOT of people ask to have photos pulled. I was jabbing at that fact. IF at the end of the day you had your feelings hurt…sorry. I read through what had been posted, and didn’t see anyone being nasty. If you want to continue to contribute to the forums welcome to FA, if not…sorry for ya on that. Thick skin, is a good thing in the aviation world. If you are in the bus’ you know this, if not…maybe then these forums are mainly to be read and not commented on by you.
p.s. I among others who have commented on this thread have quite a number of postings listed under our name. Some make people upset, some help, some are just in fun…mine again was in fun
Sounded like he wanted to know how to post pictures here. Good thing I didn’t tell him about how to post in the photos section - probably would have confused him even more.