How to get some historical flight details?

A friend has asked me if I can find some historical flight details - Basically he’s asking for all departures from a specific airport from a couple of years ago over a three month. It’s not a commercial request, he’s just curious.

Am I able to retrieve this somehow? I’d hope that as a contributor, I can retrieve this.


I think that you should contact support for data access questions, but I may be wrong. Contact Information - FlightAware

There is a hefty charge depending on the volume requested for that type of info.

For additional flight/airport data, or to be included in our media alerts, please contact

insert sad face here

Try ADSB Exchange. It’s cheaper, Accessing Data Collected by ADS-B Exchange - ADS-B Exchange

Alternate question - is there a way to get historical info for ‘my’ fed flights ? I would like to get my max range info (when, which aircraft, location, direction/altitude/speed etc.).

I’m running FA on top of vanilla Raspian on a pi4 if that matters, using the instructions at PiAware - dump1090 ADS-B integration with FlightAware - FlightAware - works great but I don’t understand the internals enough to know what I can see from whatever it’s receiving other than using the port 8080 local web interface occasionally.

Install readsb / graphs1090 for a max range outline for the last 24h and some statistics.
(installing readsb will mean you lose the current webinterface you’re using, the feed to FA will keep working fine).

If you’re interested in something very specific you should start getting into some python programming and parsing aircraft.json which your current webinterface uses, it’s in /run/dump1090-fa/aircraft.json on the pi but also available via http.
(very similar aircraft.json also available from readsb

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ok - I’ll take a look, thanks. In the interim I found your tar1090 which is interesting as well to show where geographically aircraft appeared at least for a short while at the edges of what my cheapo antenna can detect.

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