Tried Voyager, AOPA flight planner and DUAT to no avail.
Want to go KMBO KGLH KMBO do either a visual or instrument approach at KGLH touch and go and fly back home 13Z tomorrow morning. DUATS kicked out my “route of flight” of KGLH as invalid so that field must be only for NAV fixes would be my guess and not airports? I didn’t try the GLH VOR.
Called DUAT support and they said round robins could not be filed through them.
Called FSS, they put it in and he stated it’s filed. I asked what they did, he never really did say though depending on the airport, some require a second flight plan for the return trip. So what does one think he did he do that he wouldn’t divulge to me that I should / could have done in DUATS?
Hope by 12Z I see on Flight aware origin KMBO destination KMBO and route of KGLH is what I hope…
If not, will just refile two plans, one each way and ask Memphis Center if they have my second flight plan in their system as I get closer but one would think I would be able to file a round robin without FSS?