Aha, figured it out. Based on my IP address when I go to google.com it redirects me to google.ca; where I can then click on a link to take me back to google.com (which is what I asked for, Sparky ).
Anyway you are correct, the FAA link does come up as #1. Reasonable I suppose that it wouldn’t from the Canadian site. Now if I can just find a way to stop that ****ing redirection.
Yea, I only new about the ncr due to BlackBerry use. RIM (the company that makes BlackBerries) is located in Canada and I guess all the internet access goes through one of their IPs.
I’m having this problem again with Google. I type in the full N# and the FAA registration doesn’t show up anymore. I’ve cleaned out everything on my computer, history, etc… but FAA still doesn’t show up. Anyone else finding this to be the case?
I recently put this site together that displays N-Number data from the FAA along with manufacturers, models, dealers, etc : http://aircraft.thebestwebstuff.com. It might be easier to use than the FAA site.
No offense but I found your site confusing, not sure the purpose of your site besides advertising. I also tried some N# searches of planes I fly and it didn’t work.
I like it. Looks like you downloaded the data from the FAA. If that’s correct, how often will you be downloading the data to make sure the data is up-to-date?
Suggestion: Would it be possible to use wildcards for N number lookups? As an example: I’d like to be able to look up all aircraft that have registrations ending in WN.