I’m going to finally mount my antenna on the roof and pick up the new Pro SDR stick as well as the FA band pass filter and want to make sure everything looks right. This is what I’m thinking:
FA Antenna [N Female] → [N Male] Coax [N Male] → [N Female] Pigtail [SMA Male] → [SMA Female] FA Band Pass Filter [SMA Male] → [SMA Female] FA Pro SDR Stick [USB]
I’ll need to weather seal the Antenna → Coax → Pigtail portion as that will be outside my house. Any tips on how to weather seal the N connectors with the antenna and pigtail on the two sides of the coax?
I use a combination based on advice from some old HAM guys I know. http://amzn.com/B00NMS8EEG on the inside of the connectors, and http://amzn.com/B0002ZPINC on the outside. Thus far I’ve seen zero water intrusion and I doubt I ever will the way this stuff works.
Thanks both, I’m going to go with the silicone tape JonHanford posted and then cover it with 3M Super 88 electrical tape for UV protection. Will let you know how it goes.
You can also use silicone grease inside the connectors - it needn’t be one specifically sold as for RF use. It is well worth it as it will prevent corrosion as well as water ingress.