Best component connection order

Well, I just ordered a second set of the key parts for a second setup(since the long antenna finally got back in stock), before I eventually try and figure out a way to get it outside, I’m going to run it inside first, and was wondering on optimal component arrangement, and minimal connections. Would it be better to put an N-SMA adapter on the antenna,connect the filter then run a line down to my dongle. Or would it be just simpler and better to do Antenna->cable->filter->dongle, or some other combo?

Antenna->cable->filter->(Pig-tail to reduce strain on dongle, if required) dongle.
The cable and filter introduce losses. It is better to have the losses later, hence the filter is closer to the dongle.
The FA filter adds about 2.5db loss. This is about 40%. It is better to do this after the signal has made it through the cable(not beforehand).

Also, I doubt the filter is waterproof.