

has filed as going to ‘FPO’, but it looks like this is the IATA for what is really ICAO for ‘MYGF’. It looks like they did file one time correctly on 2/27, but every other time they got it wrong. I wonder if I email them they’ll get it to their pilots to have them file correctly. Or maybe they’re filing to the FPO VOR?

Is the VOR on the field?

Hi, MYGF/FPO are the same airport, FPO (Freeport) is the local identifier and MYGF is the ICAO identifier.

I wonder if I email them they’ll get it to their pilots to have them file correctly.

That makes no sense whatsoever. As Wacabar said, FPO and MYGF are the same airport. Besides, I honestly doubt that an e-mail going to them out of the blue would honestly cause them to change their procedures, especially when you consider their aircraft have obviously been getting to FPO with no problme.