getting track log if "result unknown"

Ground track for Jan. 15, 2010 flight of NASA 747 shown pretty well.
But apparently because of “result unknown”, no link to “track log” available.
How might one get to see and/or perhaps download the data used to plot the ground track, especially the lats./longs., and altitudes ?

Append /tracklog to the end of the URL.

Your suggestion to add “tracklog” onto the URL string certainly sounds like it should do it, but tried

and no joy. The word “tracklog” disappears, and same map with
summary data appears.

FYI I’ve posted a photo of the aircraft at: … tes/page/1

Click on the flight’s row in the activity log so that the url is something like: … /KPMD/KPMD

Then you can append /tracklog and you’ll usually get the track log: … D/tracklog

O.K. cool that works (activity log URL + “tracklog”).

Tried a dumb copy/paste of the listed data into Excel, no go.
Is there a way to just download the tracklog?

BTW for this particular flight the tracklog data appears to be showing only
about the last two hours of a 6-hour flight. Maybe not the rest
because it was inside R-2508 ???

You may be wondering why I can’t get the data internally …
it’s buried in gigantic files of flight data, available after about
a week. Yours has the basic subset of interest right away, even
while the flight is in progress I presume.

Copy the data from the track log then use paste *special *in Excel. You want to paste the values.