I was tracking this flight today, and as you see, the track usually ends in between Florida and Cuba everyday. The problem, though, is that when the “Result Unknown” text comes up, you can not access the track log data for the incomplete flight, although there was twenty minutes worth of track log data before it left FAA airspace.
Is there any way to add another link to this data, because as it stands now any flight that leaves FAA airspace has its log data either lost or leaves it inaccessible.
You missed my point. There was data on this flight from takeoff until about 12:51PM EST, where you see the visible track end. I know this, because I was tracking it live, and saw this data. Now that the “Result Unknown” message has appeared, there is nowhere to access this data.
I’m aware FA can’t track outside FAA airspace, that’s not what I’m concerned with.
Is that info clickable from anywhere on the status page or do you have to know to type in “tracklog” in the address bar? I think that’s what Newark meant, when the plane is showing “enroute” you can click on the word to get to the track log. Once the status goes to “result unknown” it’s not clickable.