Get only todays flight as a result

Hi all, this is my very first time to ever play around with an API.
I use Flightaware API in connection with The API returns me x results, whereas one result is one flight per day. I need now only the data for todays flight. How can i achieve that? Sorry for such a basic question, but im a absolute newbie on that.


You will need to use GET /flights/{ident} to fetch the first page of flights (max_pages=1) and then walk through the returned flights to find the one you are interested in. The first page of results will be ordered starting with flights that are up to a couple of days in the future and progressing backwards in time.

Note that “today’s flight” is not something we specifically implement, since a flight can have multiple flights in a day, or “today” might have a different meaning depending on what timezone/airport your reference is in. Your code is expected to be able to more precisely be able to decide which of the returned flights it actually wants.

The Aero API endpoint will need to be added to Make’s service using these instructions and your API key supplied using the x-apikey request header here: