An API call to get flight details

Is there an option to query your api as following:
request params:

  1. flight code. (example: IB 7866)
  2. arriving_at between timestamp1 to timestamp2.

flight details


Are you looking for future schedules or past/current flights?

SearchBirdseyeInFlight calls might be what you are looking for, but it works with data withing the past 24 hours.

For example if I want information about AAL201 (make sure you use ICAO and then flight number), with original arrival time between 1457446400 and 1457478000 you could use: {> ogta 1457446400} {< ogta 1457478000} {ident AAL201}

and result:

{"SearchBirdseyeInFlightResult":{"next_offset":-1,"aircraft":{"faFlightID":"AAL201-1457286300-schedule-0000","ident":"AAL201","prefix":"","type":"B752","suffix":"L","origin":"KMIA","destination":"MTPP","timeout":"0","timestamp":1457465177,"departureTime":1457459940,"firstPositionTime":1457459990,"arrivalTime":1457465220,"longitude":-72.36536999999999864,"latitude":18.583369999999998612,"lowLongitude":-80.25,"lowLatitude":18.562100000000000932,"highLongitude":-72.36536999999999864,"highLatitude":25.794869999999999521,"groundspeed":436,"altitude":13,"heading":87,"altitudeStatus":"C","updateType":"A","altitudeChange":"","waypoints":"25.783 -80.283 25.75 -80.183 25.75 -80.167 25.75 -80.167 25.75 -80.15 25.733 -80.1 25.7 -80.017 25.7 -79.983 25.667 -79.833 25.633 -79.7 25.633 -79.7 25.633 -79.65 25.583 -79.433 25.55 -79.317 25.55 -79.267 25.467 -79.15 25.367 -79.033 25.317 -78.983 25.167 -78.783 25.117 -78.717 25.1 -78.7 25 -78.567 25 -78.567 24.933 -78.483 24.483 -77.917 24.267 -77.65 24.05 -77.383 23.9 -77.2 23.767 -77.033 23.517 -76.733 23.383 -76.583 23.267 -76.433 23.133 -76.267 22.883 -75.967 22.467 -75.483 22.1 -75.05 21.217 -74.217 20.8 -73.817 20.3 -73.367 20.25 -73.317 20.2 -73.267 20.15 -73.217 20.133 -73.217 19.967 -73.117 19.767 -73 19.717 -72.967 19.267 -72.7 19.133 -72.617 19.083 -72.6 18.933 -72.5 18.8 -72.417 18.783 -72.417 18.717 -72.383 18.65 -72.333 18.567 -72.3"}]}}

More documentation about this call is here:

As you can see there are many parameters that you can pass, it’s a very flexible call. Instead of ogta — Original Time of Arrival, you could use arrivalTime.

Hi adimic,
I’m looking for future schedules, how can I use your API to get it?


You can get future schedules by using AirlineFlightSchedules.
Documentation here:
However, you cannot ask for flights in terms of arriving time. The call allows you to filter results according to departure time only, with departure time between startDate and endDate.
If you want flights that arrive between certain times you would have to be more generous with the departure times startDate and endDate, and choose the flights of interest from the results.