Format of the fa_flight_id

Migrating to API4 - what’s the exact format of the fa_flight_id

e.g. “fa_flight_id”: “UAL148-1691298925-fa-3799p”

I think the 169… is the scheduled departure time - is that in minutes and also local or zulu time.

what’s the 3799p?

I’m interested in getting the flight status of a specific flight # and date-time. I assume GET /flights/{ident} is the way to go.


The flight_id should be considered to be opaque (similar to a UUID) and is not intended to have externally parsable or understandable meanings. It is not possible to “generate” a flight_id algorithmically by knowing just the flight number and its time.


I’m trying to get the flight status for a specific flight # and date-time.

Which api should I call?

GET /flights/{ident} ???

do I set the ident_type to designator and then add the start and end string parameters?

Is there a documentation for the enums - for example the values for the flight status field etc.


Here is some information regarding the call that should be used and you can try specific examples on the site. AeroAPI Developer Portal - FlightAware

You would include a start and end date if you are looking for a flight within a specific time range. If no time frame is selected it would give you the most recent flights, up to 15 if there is no max_pages set., with some that could be occurring in the future.

There is no public documentation of the values of status field.

My application requires getting just the single flight - i know the departure date-time.

I’d like a single flight returned or none.

Is /flights/UAL82?... the optimal api call?

I noticed that in the above api call - I need to set both the start and end parameters to get a specific flight. Actually I need to add 1 second to the end since it doesn’t allow the same time for both start and end.

Pls consider making those time parameters inclusive - so that the same timestamp can be used.


Hello @bovineone, @cbw, could I please get an update on this matter? I’m specifically interested in obtaining information about a particular flight, and would like to avoid any extraneous data. Could you possibly share any relevant code or documentation with me? Thank you.

The premise of the original question in this thread is not valid. It’s simply not possible to “generate” your own fa_flight_id for a flight and be able to directly look it up from that generated id. The fa_flight_ids should be basically treated as opaque GUID/UUID values, since they are generated by our server in a way that is not repeatable and not deterministic. The only way to obtain the fa_flight_id for a flight is to receive that id from another of our API responses.

To look up a recent flight by ident (within the last 14 days), you should be using GET /flights/-ident-

If you know a little more about a very recent flight (within the last 48 hours), you can also use the search function: GET /flights/search

If you are interested in an older flight (more than 14 days ago), then you can use the history lookup: GET /history/flights/-ident-

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