FlightXML Billing ✈ Recent Activity. Delayed data


In FlightXML Billing :airplane: Recent Activity page, the records appear with a delay of more than 2 hours of the real request.

Thats not good since we can’t see the requests log in real time, not even close. That would be nice for us (I guess every client) to controll better the requests, how many used, counted, if cache mechanism implemented is working as expected, for example.

Can or will you do something to improve this?


I have requested an update from the team on this. Please standby for a response.

Still waiting for a response … :frowning:

I would not expect any changes to how it is currently handled for the time being. I will create a ticket on the team to improve this visibility, but any changes to it will not be in the near future.

Sad to know. I think that is important for any client implementing your API. Please consider it in your backlog priority.