
Just curious if any members on FlightAware utilize the program Flightlevel350 and if so , are you experiencing any connectivity problems. I’m just wondering if they closed shop as links on their Twitter page are no good either (server connectivity problems) and their URL is no longer viable. Just curious if anyone has any info.

Same problem here.

Error 102 (net::ERR_CONNECTION_REFUSED): The server refused the connection.

This is what I see: Flightlevel350.COM is currently down for maintenance

Nowhere did I see that. Thanks for the update and I hope what you say is true. :smiley:

That’s what I see as well:

"Flightlevel350.COM is currently down for maintenance

We should be up and running soon. Please check back later. We apologize for any inconvenience.

Please try again later"

I’m now receiving the same ‘down for maintenance’ message. We’ll see.

Same has been happening to me. Any ideas if it can be fixed?

I am having the same problem. Does anybody know when the website will be up and running again? it’s been a couple months, and I am still getting the message, Down for Maintenance.