Hi Flight-XML-Users,
I am using the FlightInfoEx Service to retrieve the current flight number for a specific tailnumber. This used to work find but since monday I am receiving flights performed by different aircraft.
Example (call for D-AIZF an Airbus A320)
GET flightxml.flightaware.com/json/FlightXML2/FlightInfoEx?ident=D-AIZF&offset=0&howMany=15
flights like
“faFlightID”: “DLH1088-1477808883-airline-0180”
“ident”: “DLH1088”
“aircrafttype”: “A319”
“faFlightID”: “CLH2263-1477718984-airline-0052”
“ident”: “CLH2263”
“aircrafttype”: “CRJ9”
As you can see the aircraft type is incorrect. Actually this plane is on DLH1804 from MUC to MAD.
Can you help me here?
Thanks a lot.