I have been trying to call the FlightXML function InFlightInfo with an ident set to a tail number and it doesn’t seem to work properly.
For example, for aircraft N146SY, I do the following request : http://flightxml.flightaware.com/json/FlightXML2/InFlightInfo?ident=“N146SY” and get as a result :
{u’InFlightInfoResult’: {u’altitude’: 0,
u’altitudeChange’: u’‘,
u’altitudeStatus’: u’‘,
u’arrivalTime’: 0,
u’departureTime’: 0,
u’destination’: u’‘,
u’faFlightID’: u’‘,
u’firstPositionTime’: 0,
u’groundspeed’: 0,
u’heading’: 0,
u’highLatitude’: 0,
u’highLongitude’: 0,
u’ident’: u’N146SY’,
u’latitude’: 0,
u’longitude’: 0,
u’lowLatitude’: 0,
u’lowLongitude’: 0,
u’origin’: u’‘,
u’prefix’: u’‘,
u’suffix’: u’‘,
u’timeout’: u’‘,
u’timestamp’: 0,
u’type’: u’‘,
u’updateType’: u’‘,
u’waypoints’: u’'}}
I searched the FlightAware website and the aircraft is airborne and can be found on this URL : N146SY Flight Tracking and History - FlightAware
In the API, it is written : InFlightInfo looks up a specific tail number (e.g., N12345) or ICAO airline and flight number (e.g., SWA2558) and returns current position/direction/speed information.
So I should be able to ask for a specific tail number.
Can anybody help me and tell me what am I doing wrong?