I’m using FlightInfoEx to get the status of the current commercial airline flight status.
How do I figure out flight delays. e.g. scheduled departure time is 3:00 - but it’s been delayed till 4:00.
The XML result only contains scheduled departure and actual departure.
How do I figure out a cancelled flight?
What does the divert field hold - when a flight is diverted. How do I figure out the new expected arrival
time - not the scheduled arrival time. This applies to #1 also.
FlightXML2 does not currently expose estimated departure time, which is what I suspect you would like to see. A future version of our API is planned to do this, however.
For now, you can compute an approximated estimated departure time by computing the result of: (estimated_arrivaltime - filed_ete).
When a flight is cancelled, the actualarrivaltime and actualdeparturetime will be -1
When a flight is diverted, the new ETA may be available through the estimatedarrivaltime, but that is subject to being incorrect since many things occurring during a diversion are unusual and atypical so ATC infrequently does not properly update all aspects of the flight plan.