I just got a great deal on an open box Raspberry 5 so if I want to install FlightAware on it the best way is to run the scripts from GitHub - abcd567a/piaware-ubuntu-debian-amd64 ? I have the dongle, coax and antenna already.
Pre-built packages of dump1090-fa and piaware for Raspberry Pi OS Bookworm are available from Flightaware. Better install those.
The Github site you linked is for Ubuntu 22 & 24 on RPi, and for x86_64 amd64 computers.
I thought under Option 2 Raspberry 5 was supported
(g) On RPI Model 5 Raspberry Pi OS Bookworm (32-bit & 64-bit)
I tried the piaware-sd-card-8.2.img before but I got an error message saying the board did not support that.
Yes supported, but why to bother to built it from source code, when packages for RPi are available from Flightaware. It is Ubuntu & Debian amd64 which are not available from Flightaware.
Dont use piaware sd card image. First write Raspberry Pi OS Bookworm on sd card using RPi Imager and power up. Next go to the Flightaware site whose link I have given in my above post . There you will find commands to install piaware and dump1090-fa ver 9.0 pre-built packages. Very easy to install. Try it. If that fails, only then build & install the packages by method given at Github
If you’re looking for a premade image, have a look at: