Hi -
Love your product. We’ve been testing some new integrations. All of a sudden last night, my calls to SetAlert are failing with either {error:“”} or now a brand new error:
{"error":"CODESHARE: Remapped ident DAL5114 to ASQ5114"}
I’ve never had an issue using the mainline carrier for codeshare flights. Did the API change overnight (I’m guessing not).
Here is a sample URL for SetAler ( I took out my org name and API keyt:
https://[mycompanyname]:[APIKEY]@flightxml.flightaware.com/json/FlightXML2/SetAlert?ident=DAL5114&date_start= <https://fullglasslabs:d5cbf63fdc619dcb02ad6b35010cb230f5f08c94@flightxml.flightaware.com/json/FlightXML2/SetAlert?ident=DAL5114&date_start=1471962203&date_end=1471962203&origin=ATL&channels={16%20e_filed%20e_departure%20e_arrival%20e_cancelled%20e_diverted}
This one simply returns {“error”:””} I’ve attempted to call SetAlert directly, through my app, and through Postman.
Thanks for any support you can provide. I’m pretty much stuck at this point.
EDIT: Looking in my account, there are actually Alerts set up. So it is the response that is the weird thing. Its not returning the Alert ID
Kane - Full Glass Labs