When you look for flights between, say BWI-ORD and filter it so just AA/AE flights show, you still get United flights showing up.
This is also the case for other city pairings, as well.
When you look for flights between, say BWI-ORD and filter it so just AA/AE flights show, you still get United flights showing up.
This is also the case for other city pairings, as well.
Thanks, reported to the developers.
It looked like this had been fixed but, if it was, it’s not working again.
Searching only AA/AE flights from JAX to ORD, United flights show up as well.
United flights still showing up when only filtering to show AA/AE flights. Just keeping you updated
Are there any updates with the flight finder? Still not working properly.
When you filter United OUT of the search, united express flights are still listed and will not go away.