Flight Diversion Notifications

Is it possible to setup an alert for flights that divert to a specific airport?

If not possible here, how do news outlets hear about these things?

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You can set up alerts for diverted flights, although I believe it will send alerts for if the original destination was the airport or if the new diverted destination is the airport that you are alerting on. You would do this by setting up a new alert and clicking on advanced options. Only put in the destination airport. Select indefinite if you would like to receive them ongoing and then on where to be alerts, use the drop down to select advanced options and then click on the box titled diverted.

You can also see a list of diverted flight here: flightaware.com/live/diversions.rvt

In my opinion that page would be better off if it had a column of the originally filed destination on it.

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Wonderful, I think that would do nicely. However, it tells me

“As defined, more than 1,000 flights a week will trigger this alert.
To enable high-volume alerts, please contact us to learn about Enterprise accounts.”

Of course if truly filtered on diverted, this error is incorrect and now I need to ask, how to bypass this error? I’ll see if there is a way to contact support.

What airport were you using?

KBIL. What you said makes sense to me, being alerted to original destination was KBIL then diverted elsewhere OR diverted to KBIL from some other filed destination. Either diversions TO KBIL or both of those are fine with me. But there is no way there would be 1000 diversions in that short a time.

Either the error is false or the filtering would not function as we are thinking and it is thinking it would alert on all anything destined for KBIL.

I’d love to get this solved though and if it isn’t currently working, I’d love to see this feature in the future. I’d even help test it out. I’m also in IT.

So I now have an Enterprise account and tried this again using KBIL and I get this error: "As defined, more than 1,000 flights a week will trigger this alert.

To enable high-volume alerts, please contact us to learn about Enterprise accounts."

Ok fine but this is an Enterprise account and if the alert is working properly it would NOT trigger that many alerts. Ideas?