I’ve just started using your API. Hopefully this is where I should ask questions about potential bugs.
I’m using the the push notification alerts. While inspecting some of them, I noticed that the “actualarrivaltime” and the “actualdeparturetime” are equal in value. Here’s a subset of the alert I got…
"eventcode": "arrival",
"alert_id": 4821301,
"flight": {
"ident": "SWA3695",
"origin": "KLAS",
"destination": "KBNA",
"faFlightID": "SWA3695-1373607306-airline-0056",
"filed_time": 1373855235,
"filed_departuretime": 1373854800,
"estimatedarrivaltime": 1373867400,
"actualarrivaltime": 1373855220,
"actualdeparturetime": 1373855220,
"estimated_blockin_time": 1373868000,
"filed_blockin_time": 1373867700,
"actual_blockin_time": 1373855220,
"estimated_blockout_time": 1373854740,
"filed_blockout_time": 1373854800,
"actual_blockout_time": 1373855220,
"filed_arrivaltime": 1373867340
I check a few other “arrival” alerts, and they looked correct (i.e., not the same value for departure and arrival).
Is this supposed to happen under certain circumstances?