We are using the FlightXML2/SetAlert endpoint to retrieve flight updates in order to gather estimated arrival times and delays. The estimatedarrivaltime is very inconsistent with other fields and often incorrect.
For flightID “QXE2103-1609077933-airline-0147” for example, the original filed arrival time is 1609257900 (which matches the estimatedarrivaltime of 1609257900).
Full response:
{“flight”: {“reg”: “N622QX”, “ident”: “QXE2103”, “route”: “NIITE3 DEDHD RBL LMT HAWKZ7”, “origin”: “KSFO”, “filed_ete”: “01:55:00”, “faFlightID”: “QXE2103-1609077933-airline-0147”, “filed_time”: 1609077933, “destination”: “KSEA”, “aircrafttype”: “E75L”, “filed_altitude”: 340, “filed_arrivaltime”: 1609257900, “filed_airspeed_kts”: 309, “filed_blockin_time”: 1609258860, “filed_blockout_time”: 1609250400, “filed_departuretime”: 1609251000, “estimatedarrivaltime”: 1609257900, “estimated_blockin_time”: 1609258500, “estimated_blockout_time”: 1609250400}, “summary”: “QXE2103 filed a flight plan SFO → SEA”, “alert_id”: 37933844, “eventcode”: “filed”, “long_desc”: “Alaska Airlines / Horizon #2103 (E75L) has just filed a flight plan. It is scheduled to depart from San Francisco Intl (SFO) at 06:10AM PST Tuesday (29 Dec) heading for Seattle-Tacoma Intl (SEA) for an estimated arrival at 07:58AM PST Tuesday (29 Dec).\n\nOrigin (San Francisco Intl / SFO): Terminal 2, Gate D3\n\nExpected route: NIITE3 DEDHD RBL LMT HAWKZ7”, “short_desc”: “QXE2103 (E75L) filed to depart SFO @ Tue (29 Dec) 06:10AM PST for SEA @ ETA 07:58AM PST (29 Dec) (NIITE3 DEDHD RBL LMT HAWKZ7)”}
We then receive a “change” event informing us the flight has been delayed. The estimatedarrivaltime is now 1609257420 (this is now earlier than the previous arrival time despite there being a delay!). The “ete” and other fields are similarly incorrect. The estimated_blockin_time does look accurate though.
{“flight”: {“reg”: “N622QX”, “ident”: “QXE2103”, “route”: “NIITE3 DEDHD RBL LMT HAWKZ7”, “origin”: “KSFO”, “filed_ete”: “00:47:00”, “faFlightID”: “QXE2103-1609077933-airline-0147”, “filed_time”: 1609077933, “destination”: “KSEA”, “aircrafttype”: “E75L”, “filed_altitude”: 320, “filed_arrivaltime”: 1609253820, “filed_airspeed_kts”: 755, “filed_blockin_time”: 1609258860, “filed_blockout_time”: 1609250400, “filed_departuretime”: 1609251000, “estimatedarrivaltime”: 1609257420, “estimated_blockin_time”: 1609262280, “estimated_blockout_time”: 1609254000}, “summary”: “QXE2103 flight information has changed”, “alert_id”: 37933844, “eventcode”: “change”, “long_desc”: “Alaska Airlines / Horizon #2103 flight information has changed\n Departure Time is now Tue 29-Dec-2020 07:10AM PST\n\nFlight Status: Departure delayed about 1 hour \n\nDeparture:\n San Francisco Intl (SFO)\n Tue 29-Dec-2020 07:10AM PST\n Terminal 2, Gate D3\n\nArrival:\n Seattle-Tacoma Intl (SEA)\n Tue 29-Dec-2020 09:18AM PST\n Gate C16\n\n”, “short_desc”: “Alaska Airlines / Horizon #2103 flight information has changed\n Departure Time is now Tue 29-Dec-2020 07:10AM PST\n\n”}
Then we receive a “departure” event with an estimatedarrivaltime of 1609258603 which is better than the change’s ETA, but still inaccurate.
{“flight”: {“reg”: “N622QX”, “ident”: “QXE2103”, “route”: “NIITE3 DEDHD RBL LMT HAWKZ7”, “origin”: “KSFO”, “filed_ete”: “00:25:00”, “faFlightID”: “QXE2103-1609077933-airline-0147”, “filed_time”: 1609256323, “destination”: “KSEA”, “aircrafttype”: “E75L”, “filed_altitude”: 320, “filed_arrivaltime”: 1609252500, “filed_airspeed_kts”: 1420, “filed_blockin_time”: 1609258860, “actualdeparturetime”: 1609257103, “filed_blockout_time”: 1609250400, “filed_departuretime”: 1609251000, “actual_blockout_time”: 1609256340, “estimatedarrivaltime”: 1609258603, “estimated_blockin_time”: 1609263600, “estimated_blockout_time”: 1609255320}, “summary”: “QXE2103 has departed SFO for SEA”, “alert_id”: 37933844, “eventcode”: “departure”, “long_desc”: “Alaska Airlines / Horizon #2103 (E75L) departed San Francisco Intl (SFO) at 07:51AM PST enroute to Seattle-Tacoma Intl (SEA) for an estimated arrival at 08:16AM PST\n\nDestination (Seattle-Tacoma Intl / SEA): Gate C16”, “short_desc”: “QXE2103 (E75L) departed SFO @ 07:51AM PST for SEA ETA 08:16AM PST”
After departure we receive a second “change” event and now the estimatedarrivaltime is accurate (1609263600).
{“flight”: {“reg”: “N622QX”, “ident”: “QXE2103”, “route”: “NIITE3 DEDHD RBL LMT HAWKZ7”, “origin”: “KSFO”, “filed_ete”: “00:25:00”, “faFlightID”: “QXE2103-1609077933-airline-0147”, “filed_time”: 1609256323, “destination”: “KSEA”, “aircrafttype”: “E75L”, “filed_altitude”: 320, “filed_arrivaltime”: 1609252500, “filed_airspeed_kts”: 1420, “filed_blockin_time”: 1609258860, “actualdeparturetime”: 1609257103, “filed_blockout_time”: 1609250400, “filed_departuretime”: 1609251000, “actual_blockout_time”: 1609256340, “estimatedarrivaltime”: 1609263600, “estimated_blockin_time”: 1609264440, “estimated_blockout_time”: 1609255320}, “summary”: “QXE2103 flight information has changed”, “alert_id”: 37933844, “eventcode”: “change”, “long_desc”: “Alaska Airlines / Horizon #2103 flight information has changed\n Arrival Time is now Tue 29-Dec-2020 09:44AM PST\n\nFlight Status: En Route / Delayed\n\nDeparture:\n San Francisco Intl (SFO)\n Tue 29-Dec-2020 07:51AM PST\n Terminal 2, Gate D3\n\nArrival:\n Seattle-Tacoma Intl (SEA)\n Tue 29-Dec-2020 09:44AM PST\n Gate C16\n\n”, “short_desc”: “Alaska Airlines / Horizon #2103 flight information has changed\n Arrival Time is now Tue 29-Dec-2020 09:44AM PST\n\n”}
My question is which field should we consume to know the most accurate estimated arrival time? "estimatedarrivaltime is obviously inaccurate for the majority of responses. The field “estimated_blockin_time” is the only field that looks accurate throughout. Is this the field that is recommended for more accurate ETAs?