Ever since I updated my ADS-B Feeder to 3.5.0 (Piaware Skyview), I am loosing my feed about every 6 hours-ish. I get my email from flightaware that I am no longer feeding. Been going great for 2 years until the new software update.
Here is my screenshot when connected to the Skyview.
What does /var/log/piaware.log say?
What does “sudo systemctl status dump1090-fa” say?
edit: Looking at your logs, it looks like dump1090-fa is wedged.
That usually means a hardware or power problem.
The systemctl status output may help narrow it down.
If you are running a piaware 3 sdcard image or a Raspbian Jessie image then you are running systemd and systemctl will be present, please try running the systemctl command above.
If your system was borderline before then a small software change could have pushed it over the edge. Or it could be coincidence, hardware going bad at about the same time as an upgrade.
Easiest option re-image your SDCard with a new PiAware image.
Copy your piaware-config.txt off from the sdcard first. reimage, add a blank “ssh” file to the /boot folder. compare the old and new piaware-config.txt to see if anything outstanding is causing the issue,
you may also need to add your feeder-id into the piaware-config.txt like so:
feeder-id xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx
reinsert card into raspi and reboot.
if your using wifi of course you also need to readd the wifi usernmae/password etc.
of course ignore my suggestion and spend days communication/diagnosing in the forums just to find you need to reimage your sdcard - lol
For headless setup, SSH can be enabled by placing a file named ssh, without any extension, onto the boot partition of the SD card. When the Pi boots, it looks for the ssh file. If it is found, SSH is enabled, and the file is deleted. The content of the file does not matter: it could contain text, or nothing at all.
Performed a re-image. Worked flawlessly. At first my SDCARD was locked and couldn’t image it, come to find out my SDCard Reader wouldn’t do the work as expected, had to use another. Fixed the .cfg file to reflect my internet and bingo. Added SSH file and connected no problem. Hope I stay connected for another 2 years without having to re-image again. Time will tell.