Is there a way of getting Dump1090-mutability to draw lines as aircraft move so that I can see the reception range and azimuth detail of my system? This would be similar to VRS and ModesMixer2 if anyone is using those applications.
New Zealand
OK, that was interesting, so if I currently have Dump1090-mutability running after installing it with ADSB-Receiver, do I just stop it via the command line, install and configure the other version and restart? Is it that simple?
I don’t use it. Maybe PM the creator.
If you click on the aircraft’s icon in the map you should see the flightpath your receiver has tracked so far as a black line. Or are you talking about range of all aircraft at once or over time? I have seen a couple mods out there one can be found at ads-b-flight-tracking-f21/heatmap-range-altitude-view-for-dump1090-mutability-v1-15-t35844.html?hilit=heatmap. It looks pretty intense been wanting to find the time to try it out myself.
OK, that was interesting, so if I currently have Dump1090-mutability running after installing it with ADSB-Receiver, do I just stop it via the command line, install and configure the other version and restart? Is it that simple?
Either of these option will require you build and reinstall dump1090. If you decide to do so make sure in the future if using the ADS-B Receiver Project scripts to update anything you do not update dump1090-mutability using the scripts. You will be on your own to update that or risk the modifications being overwritten by Obj’s version of dump1090 which the scripts install.
OK I think I understand but in my first attempt I stopped the ADSB Receiver version of Dump1090, built the new one and none of the aircraft graphs show information since. What is the link?
Not sure like I said I have not tried the version I linked I was just pointing out as an option. However tedsluis who created said version or modification to dump1090-mutability has detailed instructions on it’s installation in the first post I linked. There are a lot of commands to run some of which may not be needed on Raspbian Jessie such as how he suggests installing librtlsdr. Personally I would start at were he states “Clone my dump1090-mutibility fork from github and build it.” and go from there. My scripts should have already covered the requirements his earlier commands cover. No guarantees however!
I am afraid I cannot offer any support past that being I am not familiar with his version of dump1090 like I said it is something I have been meaning to find the time to try out. I would suggest if you give his build of dump1090-mutability a try you direct your questions to his thread.
Honestly I can not attest to how easy or hard the whole process is. I would read through the thread to see how other people found the installation experience to be.
If I succeed I’ll post some information here. Thanks for the guidance.
Not a problem sorry I was not of much help other than pointing out the project.
Looking forward to hearing how things work out.