Dump1090-fa for 32-bit Ubuntu 18.04 and dump1090 for Windows?


Full line should have been:

NET_OPTIONS="--net --net-heartbeat 60 --net-ro-size 1000 --net-ro-interval 1 --net-ri-port 0 --net-ro-port 30002 --net-sbs-port 30003 --net-bi-port 30004,30104 --net-bo-port 30005"

Amended line now reads:

RECEIVER_OPTIONS="--net-only  --lat 51.xxxx --lon -0.xxxx --ppm 0 --net-bo-port 30005"

I notice that:

--net-bo-port 30005

is in both lines. Is this correct?

Finally, I am trying to set up this old Toughbook to receive that data from my remote uploader, as the “staff wifi” at source prevents direct uploading from there.


And it seems to be working now. Thanks.

I’d recommend just using readsb with the --net-connector functionality for that, also it should be a very simple install as i have a script that compiles and installs it: Automatic installation for readsb · wiedehopf/adsb-scripts Wiki · GitHub
Check the section about a remote data source.
Wouldn’t need all the combine1090 extra crud.

But if you have this receiving the data already that works as well :slight_smile:

Well it’s redundant but doesn’t hurt.

Thank you Wiedehopf,

Very much appreciated.

I am having a different dump1090-fa problem with a different machine (RPi4), but I am still trying my own solutions. If I need further assistance, I will start a new thread.


Or beast-splitter was designed for exactly this case, if I understand the problem correctly.

Hi wiedehopf,

My remote feeder is down, but hopefully back-up in the next few days. It is running dump1090-mutability on an old Toughbook (Ubuntu 18.04).

You kindly helped me set it up, using Port 80 to get the data out (due other ports being restricted by their Staff WiFi security.

I am a little unclear how your instructions for readsb remote data source would work here (as against the instructions that you gave me for Combine1090.

Thank you,

Then let’s not disturb the running system.

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