Douglas C-133 N199AB

Information is circulating that N199AB the last flyable Douglas C-133 Cargomaster will make its final flight on August 30, 2008 from Anchorage to Travis AFB for permanent display.


Thanks for this post on a great airplane.

JULY 10, 2008
This is the latest update from the Project Committee on the PROJECT C-133.
Things are getting firmer and will be posted as details are decided.
The airplane will make only one stop and that will be at McChord AFB, WA.
This stop is so that the timing is correct for the opening of the Air Show.
The C-133 is due to arrive on Saturday August 30, 2008 at 10:30 am. It is
scheduled to make several passes and then land and taxi to a special roped off area.

Why can’t they do these things when I’m in town? :frowning:

Well John, you’re a hell of a lot closer than you were a few days ago! :laughing:

My dad flew this airplane. From what he has told me about how many of those things fell out of the sky for no reason and how many people died flying them, i’d have to say that it was not a great airplane at all. In fact, as far as I knew, anyone who flew a C-133 incurred an FAA fine!

It would be interesting to know the story of this airplane. The USAF was flying them back in my Air force days, 1961-65 and I saw one only on one occasion, a “stretch C-130”. Has anything been written on this one?

Methinks your dad was telling you war stories, otherwise known as fairy tales.

Of the 50 C-133s built, 9 were lost in crashes. If you read the reports of those losses, you’ll find that most of them were due to stalls.

The aircraft were designed and built for one purpose which they accomplished quite well, carrying ballistic missiles (Atlas, Saturn, Titan and Minuteman).

As far as the FAA fine is concerned, the aircraft were never certified for civilian use and are therefore confined to government service.

N199AB history… … master.htm


Looks like they are delayed a bit:

Airborne. Woo-hoo :wink:

Cloudy here :frowning: , but I’ll try and HEAR it at least. … /PANC/KTCM

They departed on time, according to the Department of Transportation’s definition of on time. They say an aircraft departs on time if it is within 15 minutes of scheduled departure time.

N199AB was scheduled to depart at 12:15 YDT and actually departed at 12:29 YDT.

Or, do you mean they were suppose to depart on an earlier day?

LOTS of excitement at McChord today !

In case you read this message after the aircraft arrive, Pat206 is talking about 2 AN-124’s and a C-133 arriving with a 3 hour period at McChord:

VDA2447 scheduled to arrive at 16:32 PDT
N199AB scheduled to arrive at 18:44 PDT
VDA4337 scheduled to arrive at 19:14 PDT

The final leg of the flight is en route. The era of the Douglas C-133 will come to an end within the hour as N199AB prepares to land at Travis.

For historical purposes, here’s the permanent links to both legs of the flight: … /KTCM/KSUU … /PANC/KTCM

I was fortunate to catch 119AB on the ramp during a trip to Anchorage this past week and was pleased to she her again at the Travis Air Expo on Saturday! A fitting addition to the Travis Air Museum.