Does anyone monitor AIS (Ship and Vessel Tracking?)


Thanks a lot @dvsvejk for providing link to AIS-catcher’s Github site.



Instead of installing AIS-catcher’s Linux version on RPI, I have downloaded it’s Windows version from the AIS-catcher’s Github site. The Windows version does not require installation. Just unzip the downloaded file and double-click the file start.bat to start it. My Windows Desktop had DVB-T plugged into it with it’s driver Zadig already installed.

During couple of hours of operation, could receive only two message. The reason is that I am using Black generic DVB-T with it’s stock mag-mount antenna, placed inside room.


!AIVDM,1,1,,A,69o5=jBKHQEqRAVSe55Bb4,0*07 ( MSG: 6, REPEAT: 0, MMSI: 661736905, signalpower: -39.2589, ppm: 1.15741, timestamp: 20220918214954) `




{"class":"AIS","device":"AIS-catcher","rxtime":"20220919173006","scaled":true,"channel":"B","nmea":["!AIVDM,1,1,,B,3,0*16"],"signalpower":-41.194973,"ppm":-0.868056,"type":3,"repeat":3,"mmsi":544463866,"status":2,"status_text":"Not under command","turn":0,"speed":36.700001,"accuracy":false,"lon":-66.406883,"lat":89.573463,"course":395.600006,"heading":477,"second":50,"maneuver":1,"raim":true,"radio":334493}


I will next weekend try with ProStick (Orange) which has a builtin LNA, and use a long vertical wire taped to window glass to act as antenna.

I have also downloaded and installed on Windows PC, a GUI program OpenCPN to display on Map, the ships detected b AIS-Catcher.

I have modified the default file start.bat to include
(1) setting gain to maximum
(2) display detailed output
(3)save the output to a text-file AIS-Catcher-output.txt

Original file start.bat:

AIS-catcher -v 10 -u 10110 -M DT

Modified file start.bat:

AIS-catcher -v 10 -u 10110 -M DT -o 4 -gr TUNER 50.0 RTLAGC on -p 0 >> C:\Users\abcd\Desktop\SHOTCUTS\AIS-Catcher-output.txt   





Replaced Black Generic DVB-T by FA Orange Prostick - Antenna is same (DVB-T’s stock mag-mount whip)




My Location (Toronto, Canada) has 3 Large Lakes around it: