its very difficult to tell the difference between a 767 and 777 aircraft they look the same to me what’s the difference
Google it.
767 has 4 wheel bogies for main gear while 777 has 6wheel bogies for the main gear. Also, the noses look different .
Good try… won’t work…
Tail. 777 has a “slab sided/screwdriver/beaver” tail. 767’s are conical. See above on mains. Four wheel mains on the the 767, six on the 777.
Here is a 767-300:
and a 777-200:
Couple things I look for:
If the landing gear is down the difference is obvious (number of main bogies)
Size of the engines
You’ve nailed the bulk of the differences here… the last difference left is that the B767 series has winglets available. The B777s don’t.
Thought the 767-400’s raked wingtips are quite similar to the raked wingtips on some (if not all?) 777 models…
Just sayin…
Just to clarify:
767-200/-200ER: no winglets or raked wingtips
767-300: no winglets or raked wingtips
767-300ER: winglets available (the winglets increase fuel efficiency by 6.5%), no raked wingtips
767-400ER: raked wingtips, no winglets
777-200/-200ER: no winglets or raked wingtips
777-200LR: raked wingtips, no winglets (by the way, the 77L has a range of up to 10,794 sm)
777-300: no winglets or raked wingtips
777-300ER: raked wingtips, no winglets
777-200LRF: same as 77L
Knew there was one model that didn’t have raked tips… nice, geeky way to discern variations if you want to commit it to memory!!!
You guys all beat me to it!
But you are all forgetting about the special 777s that KLM ordered that have winglets:
You guys all beat me to it!
But you are all forgetting about the special 777s that KLM ordered that have winglets:
If this actually happened it would make differing between a 767 and 777 very hard if you were so far away. Also, blended winglets have actually been considered for the 777, but I guess the hopes weren’t high enough. Maybe on the 777X, which will also have folding wingtips to fit in the required parking spots. That will be interesting to see…
Another way to distinguish these planes, if the gear is down (apart from how many wheels) is if it the bogey is tilted forward or back (Refer to the below pictures - not mine). The size of the aircraft is a good pointer too. If there’s other planes around you can likely get a sense of scale and then tell if it’s a 777 or 767. Another way I find helpful is to have a bit of knowledge of airline’s fleets; this only applies if the airline does operate both the 767 and 777. For example when I go spotting and I see a Qantas aircraft that might be confused between a 767 and 777 I know instantly it’s a 767 because Qantas has no 777s.
767 - bogies are tilted forward
Photo Courtesy of FlightAware.com
777 - bogies are tilted back
Photo Courtesy of FlightAware.com
Or from that vantage point you could count to two or three…
I just look at the tail cone. That’s how I tell the difference.