DHL Cargo Plane

Anyone know what the name used on the radio for DHL is? I saw a DHL plane parked at KMDT the other day and am just curious what they are called when listening to ATC. Thanks for the help.

That would be “dahl”. If you hover over any of the flight numbers on most any FA screen it will give you the call sign.

Most of them are obvious except a few like America West which is “cactus”.

British Airways, BAW-“Speedbird”
AirTran, TRS-“Citrus”
Air Canada Regional, JZA-“Jazz”
Airborne Express, ABX-“Abex”
Mesa Airlines, ASH-“Air Shuttle”
Netjets Aviation, EJA-“Execjet”
Aer Lingus Teoranta, EIN-“Shamrock”
Atlantic Southeast Airlines, ASQ-“Acey”

The FAA’s Contractions Handbook has a list of all call signs. Technically, they are called telephony designators.

I saw a flatbed today on 287 with a bunch of refurbished Pan Am baggage carts and one of those electrical carts, and it reminded me of my favorite callsign, “Clipper.”

Still used as “Clipper Connection” for Boston-Maine Airways. You might occasionally see them near you Newark, they fly into Trenton/Mercer.

Saw several or one over and over during the big cmh to phx rush last weekend for the game. Brings back lots of memories.

I’ve seen those planes a few times, but it’s still not the same as the original ones. :frowning:

Every once in a while we get a 'Pan Am charter into Tampa Inter national

One of my favorites has to be “Critter” for Valujet,because there sign looked like a cartoon charecter