Departure and arrival time the same in version 3

Hey there,

I’m looking at some GA flight and it looks like through v3 of the API the departure and arrival times are the same when using the FlightInfoStatus function.

When I search for the same flights on the website I get the correct time flight times (i.e non zero)

Any update here, can anybody point me to a more specific way to get to the right people?

Support from FlightAware is generally pretty good, if not terribly fast. You might try pinging their support email address and referencing this thread.

When (actualarrivaltime == actualdeparturetime) then that is a special indication that the flight result was unknown, typically due to data coverage limitations.

Please see the FAQ regarding this:

When will version 3 be officially released and no longer Beta?

We do not have a schedule for that since there are still many more features we would like to implement and further test in beta before the final release.