Data Gltich - Bad Arrival Time on FXML3 Airport Board, Not Correcting

This one popped up in the FXML3 airportboard at KPAE.

FA Flight ID: RA76950-1516295305-adhoc-0


Your website is correctly showing an ETA at PAE of 4:45 PM PST, unfortunately, the data in the feed shows it already arrived at PAE at 9:08 AM PST.

When the actualarrivaltime == actualdeparturetime, then that is an indication that the flight is “result unknown” and that we do not have enough information to know its true arrival time. Please see the FAQ

I’d nominate the “actual arrival == actual departure” for deprecation in FXML3… and it’s particularly strange in cases like this where you have enough info to show an ETA.

For this case, it’s displayed erroneously on your site/app too - here’s a screenshot from another flight happening now (2:15 PM PST), RA76511-1517079027-adhoc-0, from your site. You’ve got enough info to have an ETA of 6:43 PM PST, but your progress bar is showing 100%, and it shows in “Arrivals” instead of “En Route / Scheduled.”

Here’s the FXML3 data from AirportBoard, which is showing 100% progress and a status of “Estimated Arrival,” even though you’ve got a solid ETA several hours in the future, and know the aircraft is quite some distance from its destination.

"airport_name":"Keflavik Int'l"},
"airport_name":"Snohomish County"},
"route":"6700N\/05000W CANEL 6830N\/07000W 6800N\/08000W 6400N\/10000W 6000N\/11000W 5500N\/11700W BOOTH J508 SHARD V349 HUH V23 PAE",
"status":"Estimated arrival",

In other words, in an instance like this, progress shouldn’t be 100%, status shouldn’t be “Estimated Arrived,” and it should show in the Airport Board array for scheduled instead of arrived.