Comparison of different dongles for 978 MHz UAT reception

As i wrote before, with so little data, you can’t really do a proper comparison.
You need probably should compare one week to the next week.

And even then, with the weather the traffic changes.
The larger range could have been a higher flying plane that didn’t come by the other days.

can let it run with current settings for 2 weeks. Will adsb-wiki/ at master · wiedehopf/adsb-wiki · GitHub plot UAT data?

It is hard to evaluate UAT reception performance statistics as (a) the total aircraft counts are low and (b) there is a very wide variation in counts depending on weather and day of the week.
The UAT equipped aircraft tend to fly most often in daylight in good weather and on weekends.
I see zero aircraft in the wee hours of the night. On a nice fall Saturday (such as yesterday) hundreds are seen in an hour.

The system — a generic SDR dongle with an LNA and a cavity filter. FA colínear +5 dBi antenna and 14 dB total gain ahead of SDR.

Would be nice to have plots of messages vs range. When your gain is too high then you might see there are few or no messages below a certain range. Would need smaller range bins like 1-5 miles to see when they are getting close enough to overload. Effect is not visible on the range graphs on FA feeder page with 1st bin <50 mi. This would help users that are very close to an airport.

Here’s my last week or two data with the updated graphs and RTL-SDR 3 for 978. Weather has been rotten for VFR lots of rainy days and thunderstorms. Today is nice so far but no activity for some reason.:

dump1090-localhost-aircraft_978-7d dump1090-localhost-messages_978-7d dump1090-localhost-range_978-7d dump1090-localhost-signal_978-7d

Not sure where this should be posted. After not paying attention, just noticed my UAT graphs stopped updating. Possibly after updating to piaware 3.7.2 via the FA website. image

after running

sudo bash -c "$(wget -q -O -"

and ```
sudo systemctl restart collectd

looks like it is fixed

URL changed to /skyaware978, the installation script automatically fixes the configuration file.


After setting gain to 25 on 9/19, max range has decreased, but overall aircraft count has increased
A new max aircraft of 40 on 9/27- Probably as good as it will get without moving antenna outdoors in this lightning and hurricane prone area.

Is there a chance Flightaware would be selling a 978 dongle with internal preamp and 978 filter in the future? Just curious, might be putting up another system at a local airfield, would help to keep things really simple.

I hope they will.

Meanwhile you can use this one (price $14.95 + shipping $4.99).
I have already ordered this one about a week ago, just to see how it performs. Waiting for delivery:


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Can you just swap it out? I’m using the FA Orange Stick right now with PiAware image to feed 978 to FA. Seems that this might be tuned better? Just wondering, thanks!

Hopefully yes.
When it is delivered, I will replace the FA Orange Stick (which I am currently using for dump978-fa) by RB Red Stick and see what difference it makes.

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Sweet. Ordered it, it’ll be here tomorrow!

Seems you have ordered from Amazon with express delivery.
I ordered from RadarBox store. Their shipping are low ($4.99). On top of that, they charge one shipping charge ($4.99) even though I have ordered 2 items together.

It’s hard to resist the bargain price of those. Be aware the reduced size of the plastic case may reduce the mechanical strength of the unit

They stop working if the usb connector comes off. As might be expected…

I have experience this.

My green dongle’s USB connector is no more aligned to the axis of the dongle. It got bent few degrees to one side, when I pushed it hard accidentally hit it by my foot while it was plugged into USB socket of my Desktop. However the dongle is still working OK.

Have ordered a 978 dongle to try out. The new location is farther away from users and less likely to get damaged.

Amazon Prime. So no extra charge for shipping. Usually what they call one-day shipping and I get the item within 1 or 2 days of ordering. Kindof surprised ordering this late in the day it would be here tomorrow but I’ll take it! $14.99 plus sales tax.


No sales tax when I ordered it from RadarBox24’s store RadarBox Store - AirNav RadarBox - Global Flight Tracking Intelligence | Live Flight Tracker and Airport Status .

Order #1 (7 days ago)



Order #2 (2 days ago)


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How To Keep it Kool

Caution: Dont drill holes in fully assembled Dongle. :wink:
Open case, remove PCB, and then drill holes.