Combining Feeds with Netcat

I’ve read on the discussion board that combining feeds using netcat was possible but I haven’t been able to find a how-to guide. Would someone be so kind as to tell me how to combine multiple feeds using netcat or point me to another thread that I might have missed. I’m looking for something relatively step-by-step to go off of.

Thanks in advanced! I appreciate it.

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Take a look at this: GitHub - wiedehopf/combine1090: Combine data from multiple ADS-B receivers into one readsb decoder / tar1090 webinterface

If you don’t want to install with the script, i’m sure you can figure out what the script does and use it as a reference :slight_smile:

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I will give this a shot as soon as my filter arrives and report back! thank you very much for linking this. I was struggling to find a good reference. I think I can follow this :slight_smile:

Be aware that you want to combine the feeds into a separate dump1090-fa.

If you combine the data in your main dump1090-fa, MLAT will stop working as the timestamps from the two receivers are not in sync.

That’s why combine1090 uses a separate dump1090-fa instance and webinterface.
It’s meant for display purposes.
You of course configure it differently.

Nope. That is exactly what I want. To continue to feed FA but have a display that can compile multiple feeders. If this way preserves the MLAT data then that is perfect.

The MLAT results are combined into combine1090 as well.
raw data are found on port 30005 and MLAT results are offered on port 30105.

Both receivers have dump1090-fa and piaware running normally as their own separate station.

@modea You were asking about using tar1090 with combine1090, you can do that as well.
Have you tried using combine1090? Or is it too much hassle with all the port forwarding?
(You might look into installing zerotier to put all your pis into a virtual network though)

When installing tar1090 (somewhat improved/customized webinterface) you can point it to /run/combine1090 to use those data:

GitHub - wiedehopf/tar1090: Provides an improved webinterface for use with ADS-B decoders readsb / dump1090-fa

hey! So I just saw this post and was intrigued :slight_smile:

All of my pi’s are currently on a VPN mesh and I have a pi4 I’m now using as a display aggregator host (using socat to pull from each instance in the mesh & report to a central instance) - but it’s a cobbled together script and hasnt worked correctly since going to Buster. I’m going to check this out - esp if it makes my setup a little smoother. Thanks again for creating all these tinkering utilities – autogain has been very helpful

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combine1090 uses ports 29001 to 29005 for its instance of dump1090-fa.
So you should even be able to run it in parallel with your current script if you want to test it.
(not recommended long term as it would be double the data rate to each pi when you are getting the data with your script as well)

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ModeSMixer2 is versatile console application for combining and rebroadcasting feeds with Mode-S data in a variety of formats.

ModeSMixer2 has ability to receive data via network from Mode-S decoder for RTLSDR devices as dump1090, rtl1090, modesdeco2, ADSB# or some other program producing and outputting Mode-S data over network.

for example
./modesmixer2 --inConnect --inConnect --outServer sbs10001:10001 --outServer beast:31001 --globes 32000:tablename:home --location XX.XXXXX:YY.YYYYY --web 8765 &

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Automated install script for ModeSMixer2
Installs with systemd (no more rc.local)

sudo systemctl status mm2
sudo systemctl restart mm2
sudo systemctl stop mm2

Config file for your example
No more back slash \ at the end of every line

sudo nano /usr/share/mm2/mm2.conf

 --outServer sbs10001:10001 
 --outServer beast:31001 
 --globes 32000:tablename:home 
 --location XX.XXXXX:YY.YYYYY 
 --web 8765