Cheyenne II vs Commander 690

What do people think, which one would you buy. Pt6’s have shorter tbo’s, higher overhaul costs. Commanders are louder and have some corrision issues. Review of ntsb files reveals a few in-flight breakups as well with the commanders. Cheyenne’s have that SAS system as well :confused: .

It all depends on the use/mission. If I were to step up to a twin turbo prop for personal use I might consider a King Air C-90 or a Cheyenne I. I don’t think the planes you listed have a stellar record in the hands of owner/pilots. Looking out 5-10 years I’d prefer to stay single engine unless I could upgrade into a CJ (a nice slow slowtation). :stuck_out_tongue:

Flying magazine had a good article discussing both the Cheyennes and Commander 690As in their September 2007 edition. Dick Karl, one of their regular writers, owns a Cheyenne I and although it’s not a rocket at 230 knot cruise, it does offer pretty good range and economics. He calls it a “K-Mart KingAir”.

Flying does mention the 690 as “an excellent choice for owner-flown turboprop.”

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Either aircraft would be fine, just remember you’re buying an out of production product. The Renaissance Commanders are very nice, and the Commander is about as solid an airplane as you’ll find. A few quirks, but very good. The Cheyenne is, well, a Cheyenne. Decent performance, but fit and finish aren’t great. Kingair 90 or 200 are very solid, and good choices as well. What would be typical mission?


What happened to FLAP? Now Wazz is buying the airplane???

Sorry, was away for a moment, most missions 350nm sometimes 800-900nm. Thanks for the responses.

LOL :laughing:

Piper Meridian

Pax load? Cargo? What’s the experience of the intended pilot?