I checked ADSBexchange Anywhere and it shows both MLAT and BEAST sections.
The title isn’t a valid sentence.
Be more specific.
So you are uploading both MLAT and ADS-B data.
I don’t see the issue.
When I go to the adsbexchange global map, I don’t see the same planes I see on my SkyAware map. Does that mean something is wrong with my ADSBx feed?
You see more on your local map?
That’s indeed strange but it may just be that their VRS server is acting up.
Why not just post in their forum?
I’ll give that a try - didn’t know how responsive their forums are.
Providing screenshots would help, no matter where you post.
My ADS-B receiver is located at the Port Aransas airport (Mustang Beach Airport - KRAS). I expected to see the 3 circled aircraft on ADSBx.