Built at last

Thanks to everyone on here for the advice on building my own pi aware after getting my flight aware.

Both are up and running even though they are inside for now - testing phase.

Interesting to see that my built system gets more local aircraft at close range – considering the other one sits looking at Blackpool airport… ( both 13 miles apart on the coast ish ) so many variables i know.

Next test is to take the filter out and see the difference… my Shark RF reports plenty of RF around here hence the testing…


A nice looking build - aluminium box?

Two observations:
If it falls over, there is a lot of leverage from the antenna and something is likely to be damaged.
You can build your own adapter (2x N-plugs and (say) 70mm of 1/2" coax). This will still keep your antenna upright, but absorb much of the shock if it falls over.

The FSBlue has its own amp, so the additional filter/amp you’ve added could well be overloading the receiver.
Could I suggest a 10dB attenuator between the receiver and amp? (may not be perfect, but somewhere to start)

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Wow, nice looking built.

Mine looks more like a mess compared to yours

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Thanks for the comments.

The box is from an old direct radiography system i happen to have in stock!

This isnt the place the location of where its going to live in the long term, its going to have a bracket attached and by mounted in the loft in the long term so it cannot fall over - my plan als was to use as little coax as possible as i was trying to prevent any loss of signal.

Im unsure how to connect to the Pi remotely yet though as this is something i have never done before? does this require more software to connect via a windows pc?

Thanks for the guidance on the attenuator i have ordered one up and will test it over the coming days and post the results. Stupid question but i guess this is fitted in between the FS blue and the additional filter/ amp ?
I was going to also try running this without the amp altogether to see if its making a difference? if you think its worth the test or not?

I was a little over the top in trying to make it look nice yes, that’s part of my OCD ha…

Thanks again.

Not a stupid question, but yes, you’d want the attenuator between receiver and amp. There are situations where you put it in a different place ‘just to see what happens’ - eg. place it between the antenna and amp to mimic a long cable run see if it effects performance.

Definitely worth trying.
Amps can cause problems as well as solving them, so it well worth trying.

It requires an SSH client such as PuTTY be installed in Windows. Or if you did a package install in Raspbian, a VLC client for Windows and Raspbian’s VCL server to be enabled on the Pi.

BTW you don’t need a touchscreen especially if the feeder’s going to be placed in a loft. It’s just consuming more electricity and CPU. I was wondering why you added it but I thought that maybe you were trying to build the equivalent of a FlightFeeder box.

Thanks for the replies.

Removing the amp altogether dropped performance dramatically.

The screen was fitted just to monitor things but i might leave it on till ive sorted logging in via my pc.
Do i have to install something on the pi for that? im clueless sorry.

And to add insult ive since found out i dont have power in the loft so its going to have to go in a window - just testing which is best at the moment.

Interesting findings.

So the first image is running a 10db attenuator inline and the second is without any attenuation.

Safe to say from a numbers point of view its better without attenuation then?

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Looks better without.

Were you planning WiFi or cable?
If you can use cable, you can send power using PoE.

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