Using Raspberry Pi with FlightAware stick I am easily able to pick up Mode A only flights using view1090-fa --modeac --interactive-ttl 0
However with Mode-S Beast receiver which uses beast-splitter rather than dump1090-fa I get a screenful of bad data as well as the ones I am looking for.
The top window is from the FA stick and the bottom is that received from the Beast.
Is there any way better filtering could be incorporated in beast-splitter?
What you’re seeing is that the Beast hardware is much more sensitive about decoding A/C than the equivalent dump1090-fa demodulator, so you get a lot more A/C messages. There’s no error detection in the A/C signal so more sensitivity = more garbage.
beast-splitter does no interpretation or filtering of the data, it just forwards on what it’s given; you’d see the same thing if you consumed the data directly from the Beast.